Sometimes the obsession for control of the climate got a bit out of hand, as in the Aztec state, where the local scientific/religious establishment of the year 1500 had long since announced that the debate was over and that at least 20,000 human sacrifices a year were needed to keep the sun moving, the rain falling, and to stop climate change.
Sounds like Al Gore must have some Aztec blood in him with his desire to bleed humanity of all their wealth in a futile effort to change the climate.
Al Gore likes to display graphs of temperature and CO2 concentrations over the past million years or so, showing that when CO2 rises, the temperature also rises. Doesn’t this prove that the temperature is driven by CO2? Absolutely not! If you look carefully at these records, you find that first the temperature goes up, and then the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere goes up. There is a delay between a temperature increase and a CO2 increase of about 800 years.
The emphasis is mine. This point needs to be mentioned often because it is so vitally important to understanding the role of CO2 in the atmosphere.
CO2 is not a pollutant and it is not a poison and we should not corrupt the English language by depriving "pollutant" and "poison" of their original meaning. Our exhaled breath contains about 4% CO2. That is 40,000 parts per million, or about 100 times the current atmospheric concentration. CO2 is absolutely essential for life on earth.
Exactly when did CO2 get such a bad rap anyway?
Many of you may know that in 2007 a British Court ruled that if Al Gore’s book, "An Inconvenient Truth," was used in public schools, the children had to be told of eleven particularly troubling inaccuracies. You can easily find a list of the inaccuracies on the internet, but I will mention one. The court ruled that it was not possible to attribute hurricane Katrina to CO2. Indeed, had we taken a few of the many billions of dollars we have been spending on climate change research and propaganda and fixed the dykes and pumps around the New Orleans, most of the damage from Hurricane Katrina could have been avoided.
The emphasis is added by me. This is at the heart of the "global warming" hysteria. We are spending billions trying to solve a mythical problem that we can do nothing about. That money would be much better served back in the hands of consumers, investors and businesses to stimulate the economy.
Plants, and our own primate ancestors evolved when the levels of atmospheric CO2 were about 1000 ppm, a level that we will probably not reach by burning fossil fuels, and far above our current level of about 380 ppm.
Dr. Happer goes on to discuss how much better crops fare with higher levels of C02. It is fascinating testimony that will get little play in the mainstream press.
More and more brave scientists are stepping forward and speaking out against this nonsense. In fact, over 30,000 American scientists (including over 9,000 Ph.Ds) have signed a petition that states in part:
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the forseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of earth.
President Obama and the liberals in Congress are already salivating over the opportunity to spend billions stolen from citizens in the form of carbon taxes. They also continue to spend billions trying to prove this global warming nonsense when the evidence is overwhelmingly against them and more keeps coming.
Here is a fantastic article from Human Events that details the corruption of some NASA scientists in their support of global warming and the false claim that certain individuals were "muzzled" by the Bush administration. Its worth a quick read.
By now it should be obvious to even the casual observer what this whole global warming scare is all about - more government control and higher taxes. No rational individual after reviewing all the dissenting evidence would try to destroy our economy based on this hoax.