Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Truth Will Set You Free

The warmanistas cling to their hockey stick charts and climate models as if their very salvation depends on them. With every failed prediction - an ice free Arctic, more dangerous and frequent hurricanes, skyrocketing temperatures, they flail away with excuses as to why the climate does not behave as the climate charlatans predicted. Its almost comical, if it weren't so deadly serious.

The last few weeks there have been numerous setbacks for global warming "believers" both here and abroad. All these stories give me hope that the world is waking up.

Australians voted in large numbers for new leadership primarily as a rejection of the climate tax hysteria. This should lead to a meaningful reduction in the spiraling costs of just about everything down under.

In Europe, the climate scam has been devastating to the region. Germans pay almost 3x per kilowatt hour compared to Americans. Naturally, these asinine policies have led many businesses to move or expand elsewhere. Since Americans have largely resisted the climate taxes, we have attracted businesses because of lower energy costs. This is in spite of the sputtering economy, and the looming threat of Obamacare. This shows how much more of a threat carbon taxes are to an economy as compared to socialized medicine. Neither scheme solves anything. And they both are an egregious attack on individual freedom. However, taxing energy consumption, or CO2 production, gives government permission to literally regulate, forbid, or tax every aspect of human existence. The Global Warming Scam is one of the biggest threats to freedom ever imagined.

In the Fall 2013 edition of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, MIT Professor Richard S. Lindzen, Ph.D. said,
Global climate alarmism has been costly to society, and it has the potential to be vastly more costly. It has also been damaging to science, as scientists adjust both data and even theory to accommodate politically correct positions.
Climategate opened a lot of eyes to the corruption in the scientific community all over the world. The warmanistas are fond of labeling anyone that dares to speak against their belief system as being owned by Big Oil. The irony is that if your sugar daddy is Big Government, you are far more likely to have your science compromised. Its very doubtful that any big progressive government will spend a dime in support of any scientific effort that undermines the state's position. Those carbon taxes guarantee that the last bit of wealth in private hands gets transferred to the governing elites. They are not about to let go of that revenue stream no matter what damage it does to the economy.

In Lindzen's article he presents an image (Figure 1) that shows the problem with Global Warming in a nutshell. Scientists make ambiguous or meaningless statements on climate change. Activists spin these into alarming statements. I would add that the media takes these, along with any weather anomaly, and scares the public unnecessarily. And then politicians do their damage by passing unconstitutional laws and raising taxes in the name of saving the earth. They then provide even more funding to scientists to continue the corrupt cycle.

Lindzen ends the article with a statement I heartily agree with,
Global Warming has become a religion. A surprisingly large number of people seem to have concluded that all that gives meaning to their lives is the belief that they are saving the planet by paying attention to their carbon footprint.
Its sad but true. A whole generation has been raised on environmental propaganda based on some very bad science. The adults of today, were the kids yesterday, who were told daily that Mommy was killing Polar Bears because she drove an SUV. They are suffering under the delusion that somehow, modern life is contributing to the destruction of the planet. The indoctrination is so strong that some see humans as a parasite, sucking the very life out of the planet. Lies like that can only come from the pit of Hell. And the only way they can find some sort of peace is a sacrifice to mother earth. We're just one great leap forward away from progressives launching Carrousel, where those that turn 30 (or others deemed undesirable) are vaporized. Save the planet, right?

As the scam unravels, governments scurry to keep the nightmare alive. The upcoming UN report from the IPCC is already being criticized by governments because it undermines the cause. Truth does not matter to them. All that matters is that government continues confiscating all the wealth possible, while causing unnecessary hardship for the people of the world, especially in developing nations that need energy.

This has gone long, so I will wrap it up with this great video. Few people have really looked at the cost and benefit of fighting global warming. As we have seen in so many political/social wars - on poverty, drugs etc., we rarely win. Instead, we waste trillions in the process, and in the case of poverty, simply turn the proverbial safety net into a hammock. So what is the cost/benefit of a global warming war?

Topher Field shows that it is 50 times more expensive to try and stop global warming than it would be to make changes and adapt to the higher or lower temperatures if it happens. Quite frankly, it is just as likely, based on reduced sunspot activity, that we may be heading into a prolonged cooling phase. But they already tried to sell that in the 70s, and it didn't sound scary enough.
