What a hoot! This has been the most entertaining election in years. I voted early at a community center near where I live. Outside, several preteen boys gathered to chitchat - I assumed their parents were voting. They kept calling it an "erection" instead of an election. I quietly chuckled to myself, as I did the same thing as a dumb kid because bathroom humor is about as edgy as one can get at that age.
I climbed into my SUV and thought about the term erection. You know, its actually somewhat accurate. An erection happens when one is excited, eagerly looking forward to rewarding stimulation. Upon completion, at least one partner is quite satisfied - sometimes both. Kind of like elections. There is great excitement as the election date approaches. Candidates and their surrogates will say almost anything to get folks excited, hoping they will show up and vote. And when the election is complete, one side is elated, and the other is dissatisfied, maybe even angry.
Let's examine this election, and the behavior both before and after the ballots were counted. First, just a comment on how ridiculous it is that a state like Texas, with multiple major metro areas, and some 30 million residents, can complete their counting and determine a winner within an hour or two of polls closing. Yet "swing" states, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin will drag it out into the wee hours. Its during these "midnight" hours when there are often shenanigans, as fewer folks are there to monitor the actions. Apparently this year, the RNC was prepared.
It was much harder to "discover" missing DNC ballots this year. |
If you arrived on Earth with no prior knowledge of American politics, you would have thought President Trump was the most evil man on the planet. He was called a rapist, liar, sexual predator, Hitler, Nazi, White supremacist, business failure, felon, and on and on. This same man, just a decade ago, was loved by people of all colors and classes. DNC candidates courted him continually for donations or support. He was featured in major films, mentioned in rap songs, and interviewed on the top talk shows like Oprah. As a contender for the Republican nomination, the state run media GENEROUSLY provided him $2 BILLION in free air time, and he likely benefitted from 10-12 million Democrat votes in the Republican primary! That was more than the entire Republican field, COMBINED. Why? Because Hillary Clinton, the anointed "next DNC president" thought Trump would be easy to beat. Its as simple as that. The DNC was instrumental in creating and promoting the one they now claim is Hitler reborn!
By All Objective Measures, Trump Was A Great President. And Should Be Even Better The 2nd Time! |
Aside from the election night theatrics - delaying the calling of certain swing states for Trump, it was obvious President Trump had won in a landslide. Not quite as big of an electoral beatdown as Reagan put on Mondale, but certainly impressive enough to discourage the traditional Democrats' late night creative counting. As of this writing, Trump was up 5M votes in the popular vote. And the percentages in the red states weren't even close, averaging above 60% in most. Even in solid blue states, the gap significantly narrowed from previous elections.

Democrats traditionally have a fairly easy road to victory. Nominate a decent candidate, and they could count on winning the major states/metros on the right and left coasts, the big union states, and a majority of minorities. Not content with just winning a few national positions, the democrats wanted even more power, and to "fundamentally transform" the US into some bizarre socialist utopia. And with no fear of the Law or God, they would do ANYTHING to seize and stay in power.
And that was their downfall. Somehow Joe Biden, a man who was obviously on the mental decline, was nominated to face Trump in 2020. The strategy behind his campaign was to simply keep him hidden for all but a few events. Biden, poster child for folks who have been in DC far too long, should have NEVER had a chance against Trump. Not only did Biden win, but he overcame an insane amount of Trump votes - almost miraculously, once the traditional counting was halted. Several hours later, it was revealed that there were many thousand ballots not counted. By the next day, Trump's lead was gone, and Biden was selected as President. And folks wonder why so many question the 2020 election results.
In 2024, it was even worse. The DNC decided that Biden would not run after he was nominated. His VP, Kamala Harris, was selected to run in his place. Not a single person voted for her nomination, but hey, its the democrats - who needs laws and stuff? Her campaign amounted to telling everyone she was "raised in a middle class home." For some reason that was supposed to win the hearts and minds of Americans. By every measure - economy, illegal immigration, wars, culture, and of course corruption - the Biden administration was a complete failure. And she had to run on that record, spinning it into something good. But folks aren't stupid. They see the prices at the pump. They note that their $100 at the supermarket now only got them one bag of groceries instead of two. And they heard the complaints of their children. White children being told they were racists - when most had no clue what that word even meant! Tampon dispensers in the bathrooms of young boys - as if they need something else to play with during bathroom breaks. Young girls contending with fully developed boys competing against them, and then ogling them in the locker room.
And what was the DNC response to this Sodom-like list of policies? Trump is Hitler. A vote for Trump is a vote for fascism. People who support President Trump are garbage, deplorables, stupid, uneducated etc. Pretty convincing arguments. Its especially interesting to note the policies and goals of the left - government control of education, health care, limiting free speech and repealing the 2nd Amendment, are socialist and fascist positions. The NAZIs were National Socialists, therefore closely aligned ideologically with the modern left! Projection is common with the DNC, and with the help of the state run media, they can amplify their message, overpowering most anyone who disagrees with facts and proof.
One of my favorite defenders of the DNC is religion - specifically, people who claim to be Christians and sow division and guilt on those who might consider - or be led by God, to vote for Trump. Take a look at this gem.
This gentleman claims to be a Pastor and a Chaplin in the National Guard. Although you have trouble finding the name of God or Jesus in his bio. Instead, his stated great purpose:
I went into ministry because I wanted to play a part in helping people live meaningful, fulfilling lives. I wanted to see people have every opportunity to thrive as individuals, and in their relationships, and families.
That sounds quite noble. But none of that is TRULY possible without being Born Again, making Jesus your Lord and Savior makes it possible to live the LIFE God has planned for you!
He ran for an Indiana House Seat. Thankfully, the good folks of Indiana did not embrace his creative interpretations of Scripture, or his eagerness to enter politics.
This is not meant to pick on this one individual - as his mindset is common among many religious and nonreligious folks on the extreme left. They see NOTHING wrong with slaughtering children and selling their parts for fun and profit - even having taxpayers subsidize the entire industry doesn't faze them. Telling children that they are really a boy trapped in a girl's body, helping them to medically "transition" without parental consent seems perfectly acceptable to them as well. As does men competing against girls - check that - beating the snot out of girls in virtually every sport. But a pastor SHOULD know better than altering what God has created. That boy or girl was born for a specific purpose and time. And it was not to be a guinea pig for some crazy, irreversible medical procedures.
In my reply, I noted 1 Samuel 16:7. Let's take a look at that verse.
7 But the Lord said to Samuel, Look not on his appearance or at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 AMP
The context of this verse is that God sent Samuel to the house of Jessie to anoint one of his boys to be king in place of Saul. Samuel was quite impressed with the oldest - who seemed to look like a king. That is when God spoke the above to Samuel. God KNOWS what is in the heart of everyone. And He can even use spiritually dead folks for His purpose. David is known as the greatest king in Israel. Yet not even he was perfect. He committed adultery, and when the woman discovered she was pregnant, David had her husband murdered. And God still selected him to be king.
On THIS side of the cross, its far easier to resist the devil and sin. A Born Again Believer has the weapons and armor of God to resist all of satan's fiery darts. And a Believer can have the mind of Christ, be led by the spirit, and overcome all temptation. I can't prove what is in President Trump's heart, but I see many people I respect in the faith praying for him - and he encourages their involvement in the MAGA movement. You can look at what he stands for - note the differences between his priorities and Kamala's. Believers could ask the same of the religious left - why are Christians enthusiastically embracing a woman whose character, words, actions, and lifestyle stand in such stark contrast to the values of the scriptures they claim to believe.
One way you know you are dealing with religious folks, or even baby Christians, is that they LOVE to focus on the sins of an individual. If they have to go back 40 years, and dive to the bottom of the ocean to discover them, they will. God forgets the sins He HAS forgiven. That doesn't make them perfect, but perfect in the eyes of God. Jesus paid the price for ALL to be spiritually reborn. What Trump "might" have done 40 years ago is meaningless. And besides, you cannot convince me that if a woman was sexually assaulted by DONALD TRUMP decades ago, she would have shared it far and wide - possibly treated it as a trophy or monetized the experience in some way. And they would certainly remember the details, maybe even saved evidence from the event. They certainly would not claim rape is sexy.
This little gem has been circulating social media leading up to the election. Its purpose is to shame Christians who might consider supporting President Trump. Once again, the left completely misses the mark.

The Bible says a whole lot of things. Some that are good, some that are helpful and a handful of verses that stand far above everything else. The above is what you get if you just scan a concordance and find verses ever so slightly that support your view of what Christianity means. The number one priority is to be Born Again, believe and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and be ONE WITH CHRIST. That SAVING FAITH changes everything about the Believer, and its the ONLY THING that impresses God. There is only ONE LAW - the Law of Love. It basically states that you treat others as you would want to be treated. And as you mature in God, treat/see folks as God sees them. That is it. The Bible provides examples of people - many who failed, and one who was completely perfect. They are to help us understand how to live as Children of God in a fallen world.
With that in mind, let's examine the son's question, as it is meant to humiliate Christian Trump supporters. Should we "help the poor?" What does that mean? Does that mean paying higher taxes so government can hand out ever increasing largesse? Have you noticed that in the last 60 years America has distributed more than $25 TRILLION through 100 different programs in 14 different agencies. And that's just DC. The states have their own programs. There are more poor folks than ever, because handouts rarely work. They break up families, are a disincentive to work, and often lead to depression and sometimes crime. Never finance poverty - you just get more of it.
A better solution is a vibrant and growing economy that creates jobs and opportunities that make it far more desirable to work than be idle. And on a personal basis, Believers give as instructed by God. But we NEVER become the source for any individual. Get them connected to God so they can know HIM as their source in their life. Then, there is NO LIMIT to what they can accomplish. Government helps you survive in the ghetto. Yet God sets you on high!
7 The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and He lifts up.
8 He raises up the poor out of the dust and lifts up the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with nobles and inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He has set the world upon them. 1 Samuel 2:7-8 AMP
What about the foreigner? Doesn't Trump and the MAGA movement hate foreigners? That is what the media and the left would have you believe. The US admits anywhere between 1 & 3 MILLION LEGAL IMMIGRANTS per year. They are rarely a problem as long as they follow the law. The extreme left has kept the Southern Border open, allowing (often encouraging) thousands of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS flooding into the country daily. They come from every nation on the planet, are often single, military aged males, and their motives may not always be pure. Within their ranks come gangsters, terrorists, prisoners from other countries, human traffickers, and potentially harmful diseases. By sneaking into the country many die from the journey, are raped, or otherwise abused by the folks who profit from these actions.
The Federal government, rather than stop the invasion, would rather hide these individuals in big cities, place them in nice hotels and give them handouts to survive in their new country. What about American citizens - vets and families who are currently homeless? It makes absolutely no sense, unless you are counting on a whole new, future voting block to stay in power.
Folks don't realize that people are born in a particular place and time for a reason. When thousands of your healthiest, smartest, and most ambitious leave a country, the country left behind suffers tremendously. Consider what is left - the lazy, the sick, old, among other undesirable traits. The very people that are leaving are the ones that could and should make their nation better. And America should be selective. Put a premium on certain skills that are lacking in the US. And open the gates only as unemployment is at an extreme low point. US citizens should come first. If an immigrant wants to move here, do the necessary background checks to make sure they are not a threat, and would CONTRIBUTE to the country.
I love how the left continues to emphasize that Trump is a liar. I stopped watching state run media in the Clinton years because of their inability to report the truth. And its only gotten worse. If you are labeling half the country Nazis, garbage people, deplorables, uneducated, hypocrites in every segment, you might want to look in the mirror.
I am going to count his departure as a win for America, and a big loss for whatever country takes pity on him. Yet again, dozens of "celebrities" claimed they will leave the US if Trump wins. After multiple election cycles these clowns never leave. Now what do we call someone who says something that is not true? Oh yes - a LIAR.