All mentions of global warming and climate change were removed from the White House site. Then the order went down the chain of command to all the public service minions - many of whom would likely be serving Starbucks, if government weren't so big, and very generous with taxpayer money. Since so many people have gotten insanely wealthy on this scam, and others are too far gone to embrace the truth, there are those who think they can "resist" the lawful orders of their boss, and continue agitating on company equipment and time. It started first with some Park Service twits using social media to spread global warming agitprop. This was outright insubordination. So they then decided to go rogue. Even created a group with a logo that looked a little too similar to the Park Service logo, which has since been changed. They call themselves Alt US Nat Park Service. It would be more accurate to call them Ctrl - Us, as all these global warming nut-jobs and collectivists want to do is micromanage the lives of everyone else.
So now that you know the background, its time for the ridiculous meme that got my attention.
Isn't it glorious? Those rogue Park Rangers are regular freedom fighters. I bet they can't wait to see their names engraved on Partisan Rock to immortalize their heroic stand against Liberty and Truth.
Nobody is "coming for the scientists" from this administration . With this past election, Americans said enough with the lies, the falsified data, the ignoring periods when both the temperature and CO2 concentration wildly differed from the present age. That is NOT science. It is propaganda. And taxpayers certainly don't want to pay people to lie to them.
There is a reason the globalists stopped calling it global warming - their catastrophic predictions FAILED, dramatically. Climate change is a meaningless phrase, as the climate ALWAYS changes. Long before the SUV, and long after we are gone, it will continue changing, something any scientist who is not getting paid to produce bogus results would know.
Higher CO2 levels lead to higher crop yields. Yet the global warming believers fail to share that bit of good news. CO2 is NOT a pollutant. It is vital to life on this planet. So why is the government so determined to call it a pollutant and regulate it through higher taxes? That is either diabolical, or ignorance of the HIGHEST order.
Obligatory Music Break - Explaining Photosynthesis To Victims Of Government Education
The Earth's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other gases, including about 0.04 percent carbon dioxide. CO2 is ONLY 0.04 of the atmosphere! Yet somehow it is so powerful, that even the slightest, and often natural increase, is suppose to catastrophically change the GLOBAL climate.
The largest producers of CO2 are all NATURAL SOURCES - and CO2 is absorbed by plants who then convert it to Oxygen - do they even teach photosynthesis in schools these days? Shouldn't somebody, like say a Park Ranger, who is tasked with protecting natural resources, understand these basic truths?
Nowhere in their mission is it indicated that they should shill for global warming, or any other collectivist fantasy. On the contrary, their job is to maintain the parks and educate the public. That's it. If they would focus on that job, they might notice that the climate has been rather stable for over two decades. If they want to play the fool on their own time and on their own computers, go for it. However, when employees represent the United States, they have a responsibility to uphold the truth, and refrain from sharing their apocalyptic fiction.
The last post I saw from the group before typing this post was a complaint that the hiring freeze was hurting their ability to do their job. Welcome to the real world, pal. Why not get off social media and work a few extra hours. That's what taxpayers have been doing nonstop for the last 8 freakin' years. The freeze was necessary because the last administration doubled the nation's debt. His job-killing regulations left nearly 95 million people out of the workforce. His attempt to seize control of health care is another fabulous disaster. So guess what, like any business that finds itself on thin ice, the government must tighten its belt. Get used to it, and be thankful taxpayers are willing to bleed a little more to have the NPS. It seems ridiculous that its even a Federal responsibility - but we'll save that for another day.
Its going to be tough in the short term. But if we stay the course, when the economy truly recovers and people are back to work in the private sector, we might be able to hire a few more needed government employees, maybe even Park Rangers.
When it comes to global warming, it amazes me that so many people are this gullible. They will believe whatever the government spoon feeds them. Its frightening that people like crazy Al Gore, the man who bought a beachfront mansion while predicting that the ocean would rise by 20 FEET, is still taken seriously. Use the brain God gave you. THINK!!! Stop relying on government bureaucrats determined to profit from your ignorance. And don't get your talking points from people hanging out with Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo all day.
I love it!!
DISCLAIMER - I have met many hard working Rangers at National Parks who were excellent at what they do. I have been fortunate to have visited nearly every major battlefield in the US, and been amazed by their wealth of knowledge and the passion they bring to their job. This article is not about those fine folks. This is directed towards those people who are insubordinate. And if they use their position in government to establish credibility in order to distribute propaganda, they deserve to be called out publicly.